Fabiola Lopez is the owner and lead clinical hypnotherapist at South Pasadena Hypnosis. Here in our clinical hypnotherapy practice, we are firm believers that hypnotherapy has the power to change your life! Here are a few of our specialties in addition to other services hypnotherapy can help with:
Pain Management
Anxiety and Stress Management
Fears and Phobias - with an emphasis on claustrophobia
Athletic Sports Enhancement
Healing the Inner Child (childhood trauma)
Loss and GriefAddiction (in all forms)
Weight Loss
Stop Smoking
Stop Vaping
Negative Thinking.
We also help cancer patients cope with illness and ease the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
Fabiola is a certified practitioner in NLP, Timeline Therapy, Therapeutic Imagery, and EFT; all safe, natural, painless, and powerful therapeutic modalities that both complement and even amplify the effectiveness of therapeutic hypnosis and any program of hypnotherapy.